8 Free & Paid Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website That Actually Work

8 Free & Paid Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website That Actually Work

Getting more website hits is your first step to making more sales. Not only does web traffic help to drive business but it can also help you to measure your business growth. Are you looking for ways to increase website traffic? Getting more people on your site can assist you in generating leads, boosting conversions, and ultimately, gaining more long-term customers. It also helps you to get more insight into your audience and assess your marketing efforts. 

However, as you may have realized, driving traffic to websites can be quite difficult. Availing yourself of local SEO service in Philadelphia can go a long way, but you’ll need to implement a wide range of strategies. Whether you’re looking for free ways to drive traffic to your website or you’re willing to invest some coins, this article will help you. Here are both free and paid ways to promote website traffic and boost your bottom line.

Driving traffic to websites can be difficult but it definitely isn't impossible.


Free Ways to Increase Website Traffic via Google

There’s no single tool that will help you to achieve your business goals. If you want to get web traffic that’s consistent and of a high-quality, you need to use multiple channels. Let’s look at some of the things you can do for free to promote website traffic.

Create A Google My Business Listing

Google My Business is one of the best free ways to drive traffic to your website. It’s easy to set up your listing and begin showing up in searches relating to your location and services. You need to make sure your listing is complete if you truly want to drive traffic to your website. Optimized listings can get up to seven times more visits than those that are incomplete. Google My Business can help you to get in front of users who are ready to make a purchase and drive them to both your website and your physical location in Philadelphia. This platform also gives customers an opportunity to review your products or services and give you even more visibility. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t complete your listing and increase website traffic.

Utilize On-Page Search Engine Optimization

There are several things you can do to increase your page ranking in search engines and increase web traffic. It is important that you add meta descriptions to each page and create high-quality content that answers your audience’s questions and. When it’s clear what your page is about, search engines are more likely to rank them highly and users are more likely to click the link. On-page SEO will take time but it is very effective at driving traffic to websites when done well.

Get Listed on Review Sites and in Online Directories

Another way of getting traffic to websites is to set up listings on Yelp and similar sites. Keeping these listings current and eliciting positive reviews will go a long way. The top sites are highly regarded by Google so your listing could appear quite high on the search engine results pages.

Post to Social Media Regularly

Getting traffic to websites usually involves some level of social media activity. The platform(s) you choose will depend on the nature of your business. However, almost every business will benefit from a social media strategy that includes popular platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, or LinkedIn. You can use social media to draw visitors to both blog posts and static pages. If your content is shareable, you’ll get even more traction. If you want to get web traffic, you need to include social media in your plans.

Get web traffic by using Facebook as part of your social media strategy.

Submit and Solicit Guest Blogs

Another way to drive traffic to a website is to ask thought leaders in your industry to submit blog posts for publication on your site. Not only will this bring you additional hits through organic searches but the writer is likely to share the post with their audience. This will introduce your site to new audiences. You can also get web traffic by submitting your own guest posts to other websites. If you can link back to your site, you’ll stand an even greater chance of driving traffic to your site. Guest posts are, therefore, a great way to increase website traffic.


Paid Ways to Drive Website Traffic

Free strategies will go a long way but if you really want to drive traffic to your website, you’ll also need to invest financially. Here are some of the key things you should try.

Google Search Advertising 

SEO will help you to climb the rankings in Philadelphia. However, you can also pay to have your website show up at the top of the search results for certain keywords. When a user searches for a particular keyword, Google will examine all the accounts bidding on those terms and rank the paid results according to both relevance and quality. If you’re still wondering how to get more traffic to your website, this is an excellent tactic to try.

Google Maps Advertising

Don’t underestimate the impact of Google Maps when looking at how to increase web traffic.  When using the Google Ads platform, you can choose to have your business rank highly in the Google Maps search results. 

Social Media Advertising

We discussed the importance of having a social media strategy when seeking to get web traffic. It is important to note that you can’t rely solely on organic traction. While you need to post shareable content and engage with your audience, you’ll also need to pay for advertising so you can further reach your target audience. You should target your ads towards specific demographics for maximum impact. The clearer you are on your ideal customer, the easier it will be to promote website traffic. If your offer is attractive, you can turn the website hits into sales.


Drive Traffic to Your Website with a Mix of Strategies

Getting traffic to websites takes time. However, now that you know more about how to get people to your website, you can begin to come up with a plan. Most Philadelphia businesses get the best results when they use both free and paid strategies. If you don’t think you can handle all the work on your own, a professional SEO service can take care of things for you.

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